Category: News

Tim & Rachel Wigren
News | September 3, 2023
Tim & Rachel Wigren
Joey Canda Joins Us!
News | September 3, 2023
Joey Canda Joins Us!
We Love Arabian Horses
News | September 3, 2023
We Love Arabian Horses
An Interview with Ron Copple
News | September 1, 2023
An Interview with Ron Copple

CNAC Featured on AHT Talks Tex Kam and Murray Popplewell sit down with Lara Ames to discuss the upcoming Canada’s National Arabian Championship Show in August

CNAC Featured on AHT Talks
News | May 19, 2023
CNAC Featured on AHT Talks

CNAC Featured on AHT Talks Tex Kam and Murray Popplewell sit down with Lara Ames to discuss the upcoming Canada’s National Arabian Championship Show in August

CNAC Wins AHT's Event of the Year
News | February 18, 2023
CNAC Wins AHT’s Event of the Year

CNAC wins Arabian Horse Times Event of the Year Quisque pretium fermentum quam, sit amet cursus ante sollicitudin vel. Morbi consequat risus consequat, porttitor orci sit amet, iaculis nisl. Integer quis sapien nec elit ultrices euismod sit amet id lacus. Sed a imperdiet erat. Duis eu est dignissim lacus dictum hendrerit quis vitae mi. Fusce eu nulla ac nisi cursus…